It's the second week of Studio 3 and the first thing that is coming to my mind is a story will be picked and it will be turned into a film but how and when?

In week 2 we got to make our own groups and since there are 14 students in class, it make sense to have 2 groups with 7 students in each group now the question is what are the roles we can choose from and who will be getting the role?

In studio 3 each group is required to have:
A Director
A Producer
A DOP (Director of photography)
A Writer
A 1st AD (assistant director)
Art Department
An Editor
A Gaffer/Grip

But for picking the role, all will be finalized by week 3
For week 2 we had a make-up class on the same week and we used that time to pitch our original ideas for the short films, only 3 ideas we're presented, of course the stories had to follow specific rules to be considered such as the genre have to picked between 4 genres (Horror, Comedy, Thriller, Film Noir) and the movie have to be centered in Dubai, UAE which will give the audience the idea that it was shot in Dubai.

Back to the 3 ideas that have been pitched, one is a horror film about a possessed pocket watch, the second idea is about a comedy about a 10 Dirham note that follows incidents around the city of Dubai and the final idea is a film noir following a hitman and his victim.

I've presented the 10 Dirham note story but unfortunately it didn't collect the most votes but I was still very happy that I presented something to class and for my group we will be working on the first film that is mentioned above about the possessed pocket watch and I'm looking forward to it.

For our design camp we've learned how to composite objects into a video whether it's a picture or a moving video and it will all come in handy when we start shooting out major film for studio 3!

In one video we've learned how to replace the sky with another video of the ocean where you can see whales swimming around and the for the 2nd work we've done we learned how to add a video within a computer screen as if the computer is switched on and it's playing a video but in real life it was switched off and nothing was happening at all. 


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